Guide: Minion List

Winhack – liste

– Horvath – WizardWhite 
– Horrendous – Horrendous 
– Demon Lord – Demon 
– Lich – Lich 
– Lich with FON Staff – LichLord 
– Magicshop Keeper – Wizard 
– Necromancer – Necromancer 
– AirShip Captain – AirShipCaptain 
– Mechanical Golem – MechanicalGolem 
– Hecubah – Hecubah 
– Hecubah carrying orb – HecubahWithOrb 
– Bandit (Sword) – Swordsman 
– Bandit (Bow) – Archer 
– Staff of oblivion Die Animation – ReleasedSoul 
– Fire blast – FireBoom 
– Small Red Flame – SmallFlame 
– Medium Red Flame – MediumFlame 
– Large Red Flame – LargeFlame 
– Small Blue Flame – SmallBlueFlame 
– Medium Blue Flame – MediumBlueFlame 
– Large Blue Flame – LargeBlueFlame 
– Pink Laser Beam – SentryGlobe (WARNING! Use God mode or Invulnerability to avoid being killed when summoning) 
– Alot of meteors – MeteorShower 
– Blue Bomber – BomberBlue 
– Yellow Bomber – BomberYellow 
– Green Bomber – BomberGreen 
– Normal Bomber – Bomber 
– Exploding Barrel – BlackPowderBarrel 
– Spiked Block – SpikeBlock 
– Boulder – Boulder 
– Book Of Oblivion – BookOfOblivion 
– Death Ray Staff – DeathRayWand 
– Force Of nature Staff – InfinitePainWand 
– Gargoyle – EvilCherub 
– Looks like an arm – SummoningWand 
– Missile Wand – MissileWand (NEVER make this, it will crash your game if someone places his cursor over it) 
– Demonsbreath Wand – DemonsBreathWand (NEVER make this, it will crash your game if someone places his cursor over it) 
– Jug of cider – Cider 
– Haste potion – HastePotion 
– Ogress – GruntAxe 
– Weirdling – WeirdlingBeast 
– Cure Potion – CurePoisonPotion 
– Mana Potion – BluePotion 
– Heal Potion – RedPotion 
– Frog – GreenFrog 
– Warhammer – WarHammer
– Crossbow – CrossBow 
– Halberd – OblivionHalberd 
– Halberd+Heart Of Nox – OblivionHeart 
– Halberd+Weirdling – OblivionWeirdling 
– Staff of Oblivion – OblivionOrb 
– Amulet Of Clarity – AmuletOfClarity 
– Amulet Of Teleportation – AmuletOfTeleportation 
– Bridge Guard’s boots – BridgeGuardsBoots 
– Spectacles – Spectacles 
– Matilda’s Cloak – MatildasCloak 
– Thavius Staff – ThaviusStaff 
– Blue Orb Key Of The Lich – BlueOrbKeyOfTheLich 
– Red Orb Key Of The Lich – RedOrbKeyOfTheLich 
– Silver Key – SilverKey 
– Gold Key – GoldKey 
– Sapphire Key – SapphireKey 
– Ruby Key – RubyKey 
– Sponsorship Letter – SponsorshipLetter 
– Mayor’s Scepter – MayorsScepter 
– Mushroom – Mushroom 
– Breastplate – Breastplate 
– Plate Arms – PlateArms 
– Kite Shield – SteelShield 
– Plate Leggings – PlateLeggings 
– Plate Helm – SteelHelm 
– Chair – DarkWoodenChair1 
– Chakrum – RoundChakram 
– Great Sword – GreatSword 
– Red Lich Key Home – RedOrbKeyBase 
– Blue Lich Key Home – BlueOrbKeyBase 
– Dying Horrendous – HorrendousDying 
– Horrendous Hurt Without Staff – HorrendousHurtNoStaff 
– Horrendous Hurt With Staff – HorrendousHurtWithStaff 
– Wounded Apprentice – WoundedApprentice 
– FlagBall – GameBall 
– Force Of Nature Ball – DeathBall 
– Ankh – Ankh 
– Shopkeeper – ShopKeeperLandOfTheDead 
– Stone Block – SmallStoneBlock 
– Invisible Fireball Shooter – skull3 
– ALOT of spiders – ArachnaphobiaFocus 
– Pretty colors – ManaBombCharge 
– White star – WhiteMoveOrb 
– Blue star – BlueMoveOrb 
– Carnivorous Plant – CarnivorousPlant 
– Exploding Poison Plant – Polyp 
– Will O Wisp – WillOWisp 
– Mimic – Mimic 
– Zombie – Zombie 
– Big Fish – FishBig 
– Small Fish – FishSmall 
– Rat – Rat 
– Triple fireball staff – FireStormWand