Posted Monday, August 28, 2000
The battle was fierce, spell combinations devastating, but only one could emerge as the best. On Friday August 18th, eight of the world’s best Nox players were brought together to duel for title of World Champion.
After a grand tour of the Westwood Studios facility, the Nox players were escorted into Westwood’s Cyber Cafeteria, where nine P3 700’s were setup and configured for tournament play. Michael Booth (Nox’s creator) was on hand to referee the games and make sure everyone adhered to the rules.
Once the players had a chance to warm up, Ted Morris gave Michael Booth the thumbs-up to begin the tournament. Representing their countries with pride were Nahuel Borria and Jay Thaler U.S.A.; Sheng-Kai Chiu and Chung-Yuan Teng from Taiwan; Toby Lee and Brian Piepqrass from Canada; Hyun Jin Kang and Hoon Byun from Korea. The Warrior was the prime character of choice, but it was the one wizard who was truly underestimated.
By 2:00 PM Korea’s Hyun Jin Kang and Canada’s Toby Lee had successfully made their way through the bracket system to face off against each other. It was a classic duel between wizard and warrior, each one knowing there can be only one. Many Westwood employees’s also crowded the room to cheer and show their support. After 30 min of intense dueling Toby’s wizard taught Hyun the true power of the class. Toby Lee emerged victorious.
We like to thank everyone that participated in the Nox World Cup event. Westwood looks forward to hosting many more tournaments around the world.


Do you think you are STRONG enough??
Or BRAVE enough??
Well, here’s your chance to prove to the world that YOU are the best Nox Player around!
Be a part of Westwood’s Nox World Cup Tournament!
Between June 1st and June 30th, score as many kills and as many victories as you can. Your score will be recorded on our official NOX Tournament system. The top four players from both Canada and the United States will win an all EXPENSE PAID trip to Las Vegas to battle it out against other representative players from around the world!
The winner will receive a special Nox Trophy and a PIII 800Mhz Nox Gaming system…
Are you game??
Visit www.westwood.com for more information.